An unsual case of a small holiday cabin in Aigio, Greece.
Un-Wind House
Aigio, Greece
Private Holiday Residence
Architectural Design
ADD Architecture Studio
Interior & Light Design
ADD Architecture Studio
ADD Design Team
Dionysis Koutsioumaris, Argyris Chronopoulos
ADD Architecture Studio
Un-Wind House is an unusual case of a small holiday cabin in Aigio, Greece.
We were asked to design a small house on a secluded plot by the sea that serves its owners as a retreat where someone may unwind and have the chance to reunite with nature. The choice of materials was intentionally kept to a minimum.
The two-story house embodies the charm of raw elements and craftsmanship. White mortar infused with aggregate, timber, stone and bare concrete create a warm yet austere palette of materials which allows for the formal play of volumes to speak for itself. Two prisms separated by an outdoor stairway leading to the upper floor form an iconic yet almost non-permeated façade, fostering a sense of introversion and privacy.
The house's interior design is an ode to simplicity and elegance. Interior objects are elemental, allowing both the natural surroundings and the geometry of the design to act as the main protagonists. Stone walls create a protected area where a small pool sits under a pergola providing a serene spot where the sea, only meters away, is framed.
This house is a refined example of traditional architecture, of humbleness and timelessness at the same time. It is as undersigned as a hut or a cabin by the sea and at the same time it has an architectural identity that strikes the eye and makes a statement.